How much will my Residential Care cost?

The fees charged for your care are set yearly by the Ministry of Health.  As of 1 July 2023 this is $200.97‬ per day.  Premium services are listed below:

What Premium services are available (additional charges apply)
  • Extra large room
  • En-suite bathroom
  • Garden/Solarium or Balcony rooms
  • Dedicated private phone
  • Personal toiletries
  • Hairdressing
  • Audiology
  • Dental Care
  • Visits by a specialist, and other healthcare not prescribed by a GP
  • Provision of books or magazines or newspapers not in the Facility Library
  • Recreational activities/excursions that are not part of the normal programme
Is there financial assistance to help with the cost of residential care?

The Residential Care Subsidy may be available if you:

  • have been assessed by a Needs Assessment Service Coordination agency (NASC) as needing long term residential care and
  • choose a rest home such as Fraser Manor which has a contract with the BOP District Health Board
  • meet the income and asset test.

If you qualify for the subsidy, you will still need to contribute towards the cost of your care (e.g. from your NZ Superannuation), but the subsidy will make up the difference and is paid directly to the rest home or hospital.

Note that your family home (where you normally live) is usually included in the asset test unless your partner (who does not require residential care) or dependent child still lives there (more about this here).

More information about income and asset testing for the Residential Care Subsidy is on the Ministry of Health website and the Work and Income website.

It’s worth noting that even if you do not pass the eligibility criteria for the Residential Care Subsidy when you first move into a rest home, you can apply again if your financial circumstances change (e.g. if your savings decrease after having paid for your care for a period of time).

I'm looking for a rest home that understands my culture. Is that you?

Fraser Manor caters to many different cultures and has staff from many different cultures and backgrounds.  From NZ Māori to Indian to Filipino and many other countries we try to show sensitivity and understanding to help you fit in and feel comfortable in your new home.

What items and services are included in our Standard Residential Care?

Accommodation and Facility Services

  • Private room with access to toilet and shower
  • Chef prepared meals and snacks
  • Cleaning
  • Laundry
  • Transport for health reasons
  • A person to accompany you to a health appointment if no family or friends are available
  • Group activities and outings
  • Spiritual Care and support


  • Nursing care
  • Standard dressings and supplies used in treatments
  • Prescribed medication
  • Continence products

General Practitioner Services

  • In-house General Practitioner visits
  • All healthcare that is prescribed by a General Practitioner

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